A birth plan is a document that communicates your wishes and details regarding giving birth. You can outline your preferences regarding the environment, your medical options, and the immediate care of your newborn.
A birth plan is your voice in your own birth, empowers you to be prepared, and therefore reduces your stress greatly. These three reasons alone make this document invaluable. Your birth story will unfold based on the decisions you make regarding your pregnancy and childbirth experience. You can help shape your birth story by preparing yourself ahead of time with the knowledge, skills and tools to have your best birth possible. The knowledge, you acquire from your childbirth education class(es) will help you determine the things you would like to have happen and the things you would prefer to avoid. They will also help you feel more prepared for the unexpected which has been shown to lower stress and anxiety. Always understanding that birth is unpredictable and that there may be cause for an intervention you had hoped to avoid.
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Love & Light,